Supporting Our Veterans

Supporting Our Veterans

Bob Casey is committed to upholding America’s promise to look after our veterans who have made the greatest sacrifices serving our country. He has worked across the aisle to help veterans access the robust health care benefits they’ve earned, transition into civilian life with necessary support, and receive the recognition they rightfully deserve.

When some in Congress refused to support the PACT Act to give veterans who were exposed to burn pits the health care they need, Bob Casey joined with Pennsylvania veterans to fight for the bill until it finally passed. Because of that effort, more than 22,000 Pennsylvania veterans have received help, and more than 100,000 more are eligible. Bob successfully fought to include provisions in the bill to improve recruitment and retention of health care professionals at rural Veterans Affairs facilities. He also wrote and passed the ABLE Adjustment Act, bipartisan legislation which will allow more than one million disabled veterans to save money and plan for the future without risking their federal disability benefits.

Bob Casey continues to fight for annual appropriations to support VA health care, including funding to administer much needed benefits to veterans and their survivors. 

To recognize our Nation’s heroes, Senator Casey worked with Republicans to pass the Honoring Purple Heart Recipients Act, to ensure the Department of Defense gives Purple Heart recipients the honor and respect they deserve. He also sponsored and passed the Rosie the Riveter Congressional Gold Medal Act, which awarded the Congressional Gold Medal to women who supported the war effort by serving in the workforce during World War II.

  1. Protecting Our Rights and Freedoms
  2. Supporting Our Veterans
  3. Supporting Our Seniors, Children, and People with Disabilities
  4. Fighting for Our Workers
  5. Lowering Costs and Fighting Greedflation
  6. Fighting Fentanyl
  7. Safety and Security At Home and Abroad
  8. Standing Up for Rural Communities
  9. Preserving Pennsylvania’s Energy Legacy
  10. Safeguarding and Expanding Affordable Health Care