Meet Bob

Bob Casey won’t back down from any fight for communities and families across our Commonwealth.

Bob Casey was born and raised in Scranton, where he still lives today. He brings the Pennsylvania values of hard work and perseverance to his service in the U.S. Senate every day. He believes that all of us must strive to make Pennsylvania a Commonwealth in life as well as in name, facing our biggest challenges head-on, and facing them together. The stories, struggles, and aspirations of Pennsylvanians inspire Bob Casey to keep fighting to level the playing field for our working families and deliver results for the Commonwealth. 

Serving Pennsylvania

“All public service is a trust, given in faith and accepted in honor.” Those are the words inscribed on the Finance Building in Harrisburg where Bob Casey started his work in public service, and the words that still guide him today. He has worked to honor that trust by working across the aisle to get things done and deliver for Pennsylvania’s working families. Whether it’s standing up to China, lowering costs for families, or funding critical infrastructure projects that will create tens of thousands of jobs in Pennsylvania, Bob Casey is fighting every day in Washington to improve the lives of the people he represents. One of the most bipartisan and effective members of the Senate, he introduced and passed into law more bills than nearly every other Senator in the last Congress.

Fighting for Workers and Working Families

Bob Casey’s fight for workers and families is shaped by his own family’s story. His grandfather, Alphonsus Liguori Casey, worked as an 11-year-old in a coal mine near Scranton to help support his family. Today, his grandson is leading the fight in Washington to extend the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund for Pennsylvania’s coal miners, save pensions for tens of thousands of Pennsylvania workers, and put an end to tax breaks for union busting. Bob is also fighting to hold big corporations accountable for price-gouging, stop the flow of fentanyl into our communities, and fight back against China’s cheating practices that hurt Pennsylvania workers. 

Champion for Children, Seniors, Veterans, and People with Disabilities

Bob Casey has dedicated his career to fighting for the most vulnerable among us. His ABLE Act, which allows people with disabilities to save for their future, has been called the most significant disability legislation passed into law since the Americans with Disabilities Act. He worked to cap the cost of insulin at $35 a month for seniors, and helped pass the PACT Act to provide care to veterans who have suffered after being exposed to toxic burn pits. Throughout his time in public service, Bob Casey has been a steadfast and nationally recognized advocate for Pennsylvania’s children. 

A native and resident of Scranton, Bob and his wife, Terese have lived in the Hill section of Scranton in the same home where they raised their four daughters. Representing Pennsylvania in the Senate has been the honor of Bob’s lifetime, but his favorite job is being “Bomba” to his two grandsons. A true son of our Commonwealth, Bob regularly visits each of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties to talk to people about the issues that matter most to them. He has spent his life standing up for Pennsylvanians and his sleeves are rolled up to continue the fight.