Protecting Our Rights and Freedoms

Protecting Our Rights and Freedoms

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s reversal of 49 years of precedent with the Dobbs decision, Bob Casey knows that our rights and freedoms are increasingly under attack. He is fighting for legislation in Washington to defend our freedoms and will continue to fight to protect our democracy and voting rights, women’s rights, and workers’ rights. 

Bob believes our daughters shouldn’t have fewer rights than their grandmothers. He thinks it was a mistake to overturn Roe v. Wade and strongly opposes Republican efforts to enact a national abortion ban. That’s why he voted to advance the Women’s Health Protection Act to restore the protections of Roe and is fighting to protect IVF and contraception. 

As a U.S. Senator, Bob Casey has fought to undo many of the harmful policies that contributed to the historic discrimination against the LGBTQ community in the United States, including repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and co-sponsoring the historic Respect for Marriage Act, which repealed the Defense of Marriage Act and ensured same-sex marriages are treated equally under the law. 

Bob is also a champion for workers’ rights. He fought for ten years to make sure workplaces treat pregnant women fairly with his Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, which supports workers who often work until the last day possible when pregnant. He’s fighting for equal pay for equal work and is an original co-sponsor of the Paycheck Fairness Act. He’s also an original co-sponsor of the PRO Act to protect the right to organize a union and is fighting to pass his No Tax Breaks for Union Busting Act to prevent corporations from receiving tax breaks for union busting. He helped save thousands of Pennsylvania workers’ and retirees’ pensions as part of the American Rescue Plan, with the pensions of at least 33,100 workers and retirees in Pennsylvania plans saved so far. 

With unprecedented attacks on our democracy, Bob Casey is on the front lines defending our right to vote by supporting the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. He is fighting in Washington to protect our democracy and make voting more accessible to people with disabilities and people in states with a history of voting rights violations. Bob Casey will always stand against Republican attempts to chip away at the freedoms enshrined in our democracy. 

  1. Protecting Our Rights and Freedoms
  2. Supporting Our Veterans
  3. Supporting Our Seniors, Children, and People with Disabilities
  4. Fighting for Our Workers
  5. Lowering Costs and Fighting Greedflation
  6. Fighting Fentanyl
  7. Safety and Security At Home and Abroad
  8. Standing Up for Rural Communities
  9. Preserving Pennsylvania’s Energy Legacy
  10. Safeguarding and Expanding Affordable Health Care