Lowering Costs and Fighting Greedflation

Lowering Costs and Fighting Greedflation

Across the Commonwealth, families are struggling to make ends meet and paying too much for food and other essential needs. Over the last five years, big corporations have raised prices on everything from groceries to diapers while they rake in record profits. Bob Casey calls it greedflation, and he’s fighting back. 

Over the last year, Bob has exposed how greedy corporations are ripping off working families, from charging excess junk fees to shrinking the size of their products while selling them at the same price. Now, he is leading the charge against greedflation to put more money back in the pockets of working people. 

  • Bob is working to pass a law to give the Federal Trade Commission the power to punish corporate price gouging. 
  • To fight back against the corporate tax giveaways, Bob Casey supports raising corporate tax rates and making corporations pay their fair share. 
  • Bob wants to reinstate the expanded Child Tax Credit and make it permanent to put more money in working families’ pockets. 

Bob Casey has always stood up for Pennsylvania workers and families. He has taken on insurance and pharmaceutical companies to lower drug and health care costs to cap the cost of insulin at $35 per month for seniors and helped expand the Child Tax Credit, which cut child poverty by 40 percent in the year it was in place and put money in the pockets of Pennsylvania families. His work in Washington has cut health care costs for families in the ACA marketplace by hundreds of dollars and secured hundreds of millions to lower energy costs for Pennsylvanians. 

Pennsylvanians deserve a Senator who’s got their backs against big corporations and is delivering the financial relief that families deserve — and that’s Bob Casey. 

  1. Protecting Our Rights and Freedoms
  2. Supporting Our Veterans
  3. Supporting Our Seniors, Children, and People with Disabilities
  4. Fighting for Our Workers
  5. Lowering Costs and Fighting Greedflation
  6. Fighting Fentanyl
  7. Safety and Security At Home and Abroad
  8. Standing Up for Rural Communities
  9. Preserving Pennsylvania’s Energy Legacy
  10. Safeguarding and Expanding Affordable Health Care