Fighting Fentanyl

Fighting Fentanyl

Addiction and the opioid epidemic are hurting Pennsylvania families — particularly the fentanyl crisis, which is killing more than 4,000 Pennsylvanians a year. That’s why he’s committed to fighting back against opioid addiction in our communities and the traffickers who are responsible for it.

Fentanyl is smuggled across the border in vehicles from Mexico through official ports of entry. That’s why Bob is working hand in hand with law enforcement to cut off the supply chains of the criminal organizations pumping fentanyl into the country, from chemical suppliers in China to the cartels trafficking the drugs. For years, he’s been voting for bills that would add thousands more border patrol agents to secure the border and screen for fentanyl and other opioids. He voted to pass the bipartisan STOP Act (Synthetics Trafficking and Overdose Prevention Act) which improves the detection of fentanyl being smuggled in from China through the U.S. Postal Service. He voted twice for the bipartisan border security bill, endorsed by the border patrol union, that would give the president new authority.

He was one of the leading advocates for the successful passage of the FEND Off Fentanyl Act, which hits fentanyl traffickers where it hurts — their bottom line, by sanctioning Chinese producers of opioid precursors and international crime cartels who bring fentanyl over the border. Now, he’s fighting to pass his Stop Fentanyl at the Border Act, which gives border patrol the resources they need to detect and stop fentanyl at the border, as well as prevent the flow of money and weapons from the US back into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.

While he fights to end fentanyl trafficking, Bob Casey is also working to help those struggling with addiction get access to treatment and prevent addiction in the first place. Casey is the author of the Maximizing Opioid Recovery Emergency Savings Act (MORE Savings), legislation to eliminate the costs of opioid treatment for people with private insurance and those with Medicare. He knows that all too often, addiction robs children of their parents and places new responsibilities on grandparents. That’s why he helped write and pass the bipartisan Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Act, which supports families including those who have stepped in to raise grandchildren due to the opioid crisis. Bob will keep fighting to end the epidemic of addiction that has hurt too many families in Pennsylvania.

  1. Protecting Our Rights and Freedoms
  2. Supporting Our Veterans
  3. Supporting Our Seniors, Children, and People with Disabilities
  4. Fighting for Our Workers
  5. Lowering Costs and Fighting Greedflation
  6. Fighting Fentanyl
  7. Safety and Security At Home and Abroad
  8. Standing Up for Rural Communities
  9. Preserving Pennsylvania’s Energy Legacy
  10. Safeguarding and Expanding Affordable Health Care