Press Release

In Philadelphia Debate, Bob Casey Will Call Out McCormick’s Dishonest Record

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PENNSYLVANIA – During tonight’s debate in Philadelphia, Senator Casey will continue holding Connecticut hedge fund CEO David McCormick accountable for his record of dishonesty and selling out Pennsylvania workers. 

Meanwhile, Pennsylvanians will see that Bob Casey is leading the fight against corporate greed to help lower costs working families, and protect women’s rights, workers’ rights, and voting rights. 

Senator Casey will take David McCormick to task for:

  • His history of lying to Pennsylvanians about living in Pennsylvania when he really lived in Connecticut. 
  • His record as a hedge fund CEO of enriching China at the expense of Pennsylvania, investing millions in China’s military and its largest producer of fentanyl — and investing hundreds of millions of dollars in Russian government debt.
  • His dangerous and extreme abortion position – saying that the overturning of Roe v. Wade made him “very, very happy” and supporting an abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest. 
