
FACT CHECK: David McCormick “Threatened, Retaliated Against Sexual Harassment Victims” as Bridgewater CEO

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PENNSYLVANIA – As CEO of Bridgewater Associates, David McCormick silenced employees who came forward about sexual harassment in the workplace. 

McCormick Silenced, Retaliated Against Victims of Sexual Harassment:

  • As a senior official, McCormick “directly participated in retaliation” against a former employee following a sexual harassment complaint the employee filed against his supervisor.
  • McCormick reportedly told another female employee who had been sexually harassed that “she would be in litigation for the rest of her life” if she broke her silence.
  • David McCormick pressured an employee to be a “supportive public presence” after she reported harassment by another senior official
  • McCormick’s campaign has paid more than $600,000 to a consulting firm that retaliated against a female employee after she reported that an executive at the firm sexually assaulted her.

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