Press Release

CWA Endorses Bob Casey for U.S. Senate

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CWA District 2-13 International Vice President Michael P. Davis: “Bob Casey Has Spent His Entire Career Standing Up For Pennsylvania Workers”

PENNSYLVANIA — On behalf of its 700,000 members across 1,200 local unions, the Communications Workers of America has endorsed Bob Casey for re-election to the U.S. Senate.

The Communications Workers of America is America’s largest communications and media union, representing workers in communications and information industries, news media, airlines, broadcast and cable television, public service, higher education and health care, manufacturing, high tech, and more. District 2-13 represents workers across Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Read CWA District 2-13 International Vice President Michael P. Davis’ statement below:

“Whether it is introducing pro-union legislation, standing in solidarity with striking workers, or fighting for fair pay and benefits, Bob Casey has spent his entire career standing up for Pennsylvania workers. We are proud to support his re-election and look forward to sending him back to Washington where he can continue the good fight for our workers.”
