Press Release

UFCW Local 1776 Endorses Bob Casey for U.S. Senate

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UFCW Local 1776 President Wendell Young IV: “No One Will Fight Harder For Pennsylvanians Than Senator Casey, And We Must Do Everything We Can To Ensure Bob Continues That Fight In The Us Senate.” 

PENNSYLVANIA – Today, on behalf of its 30,000 members, UFCW Local 1776 announced its endorsement of Senator Bob Casey for re-election. 

Read UFCW Local 1776’s statement below:

“Working families have so much at stake in this election, especially regarding the US Senate race here in Pennsylvania,” stated Young. “When it comes to protecting workers’ rights, their healthcare, retirement security, and access to a safe workplace, the choice is clear: Bob Casey is the only candidate in this race who supports those values.”

Young noted that Senator Casey has consistently received overwhelming support – not just from Local 1776, but also from union workers across Pennsylvania.

“No one will fight harder for Pennsylvanians than Senator Casey, and we must do everything we can to ensure Bob continues that fight in the US Senate,” added Young.

Young highlighted that he was especially proud of seeing Senator Casey’s “Pregnant Workers Fairness Act” enacted during Casey’s current term, noting that women make up a majority of UFCW 1776’s membership in Pennsylvania.

“Senator Casey fought for nearly a decade to ensure women in the workforce received basic accommodations during pregnancy,” said Young. “Now it is the law of the land and a prime example of what drives Senator Casey’s policy positions: a commitment to workers.”
