
FACT CHECK: Connecticut Dave is Out of Touch with Pennsylvanians

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PENNSYLVANIA – David McCormick is a Connecticut mega-millionaire who is lying about living in Pennsylvania and will always prioritize Wall Street over working people. 

McCormick is a Connecticut Mega-Millionaire Who is Lying About Where He Lives and Who He is:

McCormick is Fighting to Enrich Himself and his Billionaire Backers 

  • McCormick said he wanted to roll back the law that capped the cost of insulin at $35 a month.
    • McCormick: “What happened under Biden with these huge, enormous pieces of legislation – the Inflation Reduction Act […] We got to roll that back.” [John Fredericks Radio Show, 10/3/23]
  • McCormick is backed by billionaires who support his crusade to eliminate Social Security and Medicare benefits and spike costs for hardworking Pennsylvanians while pushing tax giveaways for the ultra-wealthy.
    • Bloomberg: Wall Street Billionaires Shower McCormick With Cash for Pennsylvania Senate
  • McCormick backs the disastrous 2017 corporate tax giveaway that raised taxes for over 375,000 Pennsylvania families.
  • McCormick has supported putting Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block.

McCormick Can’t Stop Proving He Doesn’t Get Pennsylvania:

  • McCormick responded to a Pennsylvania veteran concerned with gas prices by saying his wife is “on the board of Exxon.”
    • “Sipping coffee with veterans in Palmerton, a former Marine brought up the high cost of gas. ‘Dina’s on the board of Exxon,’ McCormick noted, gesturing to his wife.” [Philadelphia Inquirer, 3/6/24]
  • After his time away in Connecticut, McCormick can’t stop messing up Pennsylvania icons.
